
Presentation: Erasmus+ mobility opportunities

On the 03.07.2018 I'll be giving a presentation on the topic of Eramus+ mobility opportunities. The presentation will be given in the framework of a presentation project in the class Academic Skills "Presentations", so the audience will be mostly integrated by students of the study program of "International Business & Economics".

The presentation will include information on existing mobility opportunities that the Erasmus+ program offers. It will aim at showing people how they can benefit from these opportunities and hopefully inspire some to actually go ahead and apply for a program. I will speak directly from my own personal experience as a volunteer during my European Voluntary Service funded by Erasmus+, the experiences I gathered and how it influenced my life. The opportunities that will be presented include Joint Master Degrees (Scholarships), Traineeships/Internships, volunteering abroad, Youth Exchanges, and studying abroad.

Another aim will be to present information about the social and political impact of the program in the population, based on different sources, and taking statistical data mainly on the study “The Erasmus Impact Study” by the European Commission

The resulting slides will be useful for future possible presentations in other opportunities as well.