Workshop / Seminar

Europeers go Europe

Eine Gruppe von vier ausgebildeten EuroPeers organisieren und leiten die erste englischsprachige EuroPeers-Schulung. Diese wird im Rahmen eines Trainings von Jugend in Aktion gefördert und findet in Norddeutschland statt.

EuroPeers invite active young people to the first English-speaking EuroPeer training course. EuroPeers are certificated people who have already taken part in a Youth in Action project and share their experiences and inform other young people about these opportunities. This can be done in different ways and in the framework of various events.

EuroPeers, founded by the German national agency for the Youth in Action Program, has existed in Germany for eight years already. Training courses are organized twice per year by the national agency Jugend für Europa. In previous years, these courses have not only taken place in Germany but also in Luxembourg. This training course is the first one which will be held in the English language and the first one organized by EuroPeers themselves.
Information about both the EuroPeers project and previous events organized by EuroPeers over the last eight years can be found here.

Participants will get to know about projects within the Youth in Action Programme, the changes occurring in 2014, and the new programme Erasmus+. They will learn how to present, speak in public, advertise, and organize different types of events. The course will focus on learning different methods of communicating the European idea, promoting exchange projects, and building strong networks within and between the participating countries.

Accommodation and training are included in the course; 70% of travel expenses are covered by the Youth in Action Program.